xStellar Logo We bring out the all-star ability in everyone.

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Looking for a new job call 888-xStellr or 888-978-3557. For business inquiries please email us at info@xStellarCorp.com and see how this program can be brought to your organization.
Corporate Goal
Directly employ or support individuals with disabilities in every state by 2035. USA with People in Every State
Corporate Strategy
  • Educate industry leaders on how focusing on abilities and not disabilities improves the workplace for everyone and the company as a whole.
  • Educate industry leaders on how to tap a skilled and dedicated professional workforce to fill difficult positions.
  • Provide real-world training to individuals with disabilities for a career path they select.
  • Provide on-the-job mentoring support to individuals with disabilities.
Untapped Talented Resources
Individuals with disabilities represent the single largest minority in the United States with an unemployment rate 10 times higher than the national average. This infrequently tapped resource pool of talent can be the answer to your professional staffing needs.